Eggs and Avocados- a recipe we just discovered!

I get so excited when I get a recipe from a fellow healthy eater and it’s delicious. This weekend a good friend of ours suggested we try the following for breakfast.

Hard boiled eggs
Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

Just Mash it all together and serve for breakfast.

Can I tell you that I tried it this morning and I was blown away!

It was totally delicious and so easy to make. The only thing I had to do was boil the eggs which took about 15 minutes. Then I cut open the avocado, put the olive oil and salt and mixed it together.

The ratio I used was 2 eggs and 1/2 an avocado because that’s what I happened to have available.

It was also a nice variation from my regular morning smoothies. I’ll confess I felt a little guilty not getting all my fruits and veggies in the morning but I know I replaced them with good protein and fats which are also essential.

For those who are in a rush in the mornings:

Hard boiled eggs are quite easy because they can be cooked in batches. On any given night hard boil about 5-10 eggs (depending on your family size) and put them back in the egg carton. We get a marker and just write on the shell HB. The shell comes off and it’s how we differentiate them from the non cooked eggs. You can also tell by shaking the egg. Then in the morning you can peel and combine with the avocado. You can also take the boiled egg and avocado with you and make at work for snack or lunch… So it can be portable also.

I highly recommend you try this recipe. And it really doesn’t have to be limited to a breakfast food. I would have this for a snack in the middle of the day also.

I’m in love!!!!!!

I did a quick search on the benefits of these 2 foods and I found this informative short paragraph on both foods. Read below…

Eggs are one of our best sources of high-quality complete protein, which is easily absorbed and has all of the amino acids the body needs. Eggs are also high in choline, a phospholipid compound similar to B-vitamins that many cells in the body utilize. Choline plays a large role in gene expression, and may prevent long-term memory loss., Choline is also essential in the formation of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that sends messages between nerves and muscles. With more than 90% of Americans choline-deficient, incorporating eggs into your diet is an easy fix. Just be sure to use the egg yolk when making your morning scramble – since this is where all of the choline and vitamins are stored.
We’ve come to think of orange foods as the best source of carotenoids (carotenoids might make you think carrots, right?). But dark green vegetables actually get their trademark deep green color from a mixture of the green pigment chlorophyll with the orange-pigmented carotenoids.

Avocados boast incredibly high carotenoid levels, which have potent anti-inflammatory properties. What does anti-inflammatory really mean for us? Inflammation is the body’s protective response to toxins, pollutants, and other harmful invaders. Inflammation can decrease short-term cell function and over time causes permanent damage. Nutritious foods with anti-inflammatory properties help us minimize those damaging effects. You already know that avocados are a great source of heart-healthy fats, and that just adds to their superfood status: avocados have a truly unique mixture of fat-soluble vitamins, antioxidant plant pigments, and antioxidants, which have been linked to decreased risk for cancer.

Smoothies in the Morning

For most of us, we wake up and have for breakfast any of the following

  1. cup of coffee
  2. bagel with cream cheese
  3. special K cereal with milk
  4. tostadas
  5. eggs
  6. glass of orange juice
  7. breakfast granola bar or protein bar
  8. protein shake

The problem with these items is that usually they are quick to go items that are loaded with either sugar, or aspartame, or tons of processed ingredients we can’t pronounce. Even if the item is a “diet” item such as a protein shake, I have been finding that a lot of those shakes are LOADED with sugar and sometimes even have corn syrup. (HOW DARE THEY!)

I decided to change that system in my home.  I still have my cup of coffee EVERY morning because I love it and I have researched that coffee is actually GOOD for you!

But after my delicious cup of coffee, I make SMOOTHIES for my husband, my kids, and myself.

We kick start our morning with Fruits and Veggies full of fiber and good stuff to get our bodies going.

Here’s how I started:

  1. I went to publix to the produce aisle and asked an employee where I could find KALE. I had never even heard of it before. It is the Green garnish that you see as decoration when you go to parties and eat buffets.
  2. I bought bananas
  3. I also bought from the frozen isle “frozen organic berry mix”
and I made my 1st Smoothie
1 cup of KALE
1/2 banana
1 cup of berry mix
water to blend 
  • I use a magic bullet to make my smoothies which is a nice option because it is easier to clean. However, we are drinking so much of it that I find myself making multiple batches and I think i’m going back to a regular blender.
  • the measurements vary on how much you’re making and of course to taste.
  • I try to buy the berries and the greens organic but that’s your choice. I buy regular bananas.

Once I tasted that smoothie and realized that it actually tasted GOOD. I started exploring all sorts of smoothies and different greens.

I also like:

1 cup of Collard Greens
1 apple (even with the core and seeds)
1/2 mango
1/2 banana
1/2 inch piece of ginger
1 cup of romaine lettuce
water to blend 
2 medium sized oranges
1 stalk of celery  
1 carrot
a 1/2 inch piece of ginger 
What really shocks me about these smoothies is how much my kids LOVE them. Some of my smoothies actually come out green. I would think that my 3 year old would reject it because its green. But I have a rule in my house… YOU DON’T HAVE TO EAT IT, BUT YOU HAVE TO TASTE IT.
Both my kids tasted my smoothies, and now can’t get enough. They always ask for more when they finish their cup and I always end up giving some of mine (Hence why the bullet isn’t working for me anymore!)
FOR THOSE OF YOU HAVE AN IPAD OR IPHONE. I found an awesome app with tons of smoothie recipes.
Just look in your app store for RAW FAMILY, GREEN SMOOTHIES.  A great thing about that app is that you can look for ingredients, and they tell you the health benefits of that ingredient and then you can search for recipes with that ingredient.
My challenge for you this weekend is to go to the grocery store and buy KALE, FROZEN BERRIES, and BANANAS and make a smoothie for breakfast. 
  • Place all the ingredients in the blender the night before and put in the refrigerator. This causes the frozen fruit to melt a bit but stay icy.
  • This eliminates the prep time in the morning and all you have to do when you wake up is blend and serve.
  • It’s also a great tip for blending because the frozen fruits are harder on the blender when they are rock solid.
Instead of starting your day with processed foods, sugar, corn syrup, aspartame and tons of carbs….try starting off your day with fiber, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that clean out your liver and eliminates toxins.
  • For your digestion, the best time of the day to consume fruits is in the morning.