Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places!
You’re off and away! Dr. Seuss
Recently I’ve been on the road traveling. Traveling is wonderful for some things…seeing new places, taking time off from the grind, meeting new people… But it could be disastrous for other things I.e. Diet, exercise, and routine!
And that is where the term lifestyle really starts to mean something.
It’s hard to stay on track during vacation or even a business trip. But if wellness is truly a lifestyle for you, you find ways to eat well and exercise (even if you do allot yourself some treats here and there. :))
Personally, I never exercised on vacation. Except one time I took a spinning class during a cruise. But that’s it. When I left Miami it was like a pass to leave exercise behind also. Until I took up running.
When I decided to join my girlfriend Betsy in training for a half Marathon I thought it was going to be a temporary thing. I had concerns, such as losing too much weight. But as my dad used to say, 90% of the things we worry about never actually come true. And in this case he was right. I did not lose weight. On the contrary, running increased my appetite and to compensate for the burning of calories and release of lactic acid I began consuming more complex carbohydrates. My legs got thicker and stronger and generally I felt better. After the half marathon was over I continued running on my own.
In July I was scheduled to leave to Washington, D.C. to attend the National Speakers Association Annual Convention. I knew my friend Bruce, who was also attending the conference, was a runner also so it occurred to me to ask him if he would be running in DC. I confess I was surprised to hear that he was! I guess I thought most people were like me and left their exercise shoes home when they traveled. Knowing he was going for a run inspired me to join him. We ran twice during the convention and now I must say I’m hooked on running on vacation. No matter where I go, I run. Some food for thought…
- The great thing about running is that you can do it anywhere. It doesn’t require equipment or special classes. It’s free. And even if you pack like a minimalist it’s pretty easy to squeeze in a running outfit or two and a pair of sneaks. (I simply wear mine on the plane to and from).
- Running in different places allows you to see the city with a different set of eyes. I run early in the morning so I get to see sunrises, calm streets, and beautiful views during my morning run. In DC, Bruce and I ran to the Cuban embassy and saw the Cuban flag that was brought up for the first time in over 50 years. It was so cool to do that while running. There were no crowds or tourists or heavy traffic. We ran up and down the streets of Washington, D.C. And really enjoyed the city in that short while.
- Shortly after I was in Sarasota with my family and friends. I ran several times during my week stay…some by myself and some with my friends Frances and Jeannis. I witnessed this spectacular view on one of my runs Just magical! Truth is if I wasn’t getting up to exercise, I wouldn’t have these experiences or seen these sights.
I can’t emphasize it enough. Exercising with friends really allows you to connect with them. My favorite time with Bruce during the convention was in our morning runs. Same with my girlfriends in Sarasota. It wasn’t only running, we also did Bootcamp exercises together. It was a lot of fun coming together in the mornings, working hard and then getting together for coffee and smoothies. It’s a great feeling to know you are doing something good for your mind and body and you’re doing it with people whose company you enjoy.
- Running with Bruce led me to run with his running club here in Miami. As a result I have met other really cool and interesting runners that have different professions and hobbies. I find meeting new people is always an opportunity to learn. They’re also better runners than I am so I push myself harder, run faster and more miles. Joining groups to do an activity or sport you enjoy really gives you an opportunity to broaden your horizons
- Even if you’re out of town and out of your routine, exercising on vacation keeps you on track. You stay in the mind frame of wellness and that is important. Because nothing is harder than getting back on the wagon when you’ve fallen off for a while. It’s always hard and often times we will avoid it altogether. Avoid the Yo-yo effect. Stick to it no matter where you are and it will become a part of your life. The best example of that for me has been my girlfriend Thania. For years we have vacationed together in Sarasota and she never skips her exercise. I used to think she was crazy for working out on her vacation…but that’s because I didn’t know the secret …she felt fantastic! And her body reflects her commitment! Despite her age, how many kids she has, how busy she is, or where she is…she pushes through. I was proud to work out side by side with her on this vacation. After all this time I finally understand what lifestyle really means.
Running has become my passion. But really this post is not to convince you to run…although I do find that its benefits are countless. It’s about staying consistent no matter where you are. Maybe it’s walking or playing tennis or going to a gym. The point is to fit exercise in your travel plans and make it a part of your life. My girlfriend Barbie will not stay in a hotel that does not have a good gym – she caters to her lifestyle.
Creating a healthy lifestyle is full of benefits. Create yours and be contagious. Share with your spouse, your family and friends. Encourage them to join you. Let’s work together to be fit and fun!!!
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