Trying new greens in our smoothies

This lifestyle has made me quite adventurous in trying new foods. It is an experience for me. I never know what i’m going to like or dislike…my palette has changed so dramatically and is open to so many new flavors that the process is quite exciting.

My son’s school had a spring bazaar the other day and a company called Teena’s Pride donated an incredible variety of organic vegetables to our school to sell. What an amazing experience it was to walk into the school and see so many vegetables and herbs to choose from. I bought a bok choy plant, swiss chard plant, a white egg plant, mint and some scallions.

I loved going home with my little plants!!!!

Bok Choy & Swiss Chard plantsIMG_2850

Coincidentally, Orlando had found these beautiful golden beets at Whole Foods that day so we had all these bright beautiful veggies to work with that week!

The next morning I had these plants in my kitchen and I just couldn’t wait to use them…so what is the first thing I do when I have leafy greens… I make a smoothie!!!

Here’s the recipe:

  • 4 leaves of Bok Choy
  • 1 small avocado
  • 1 peeled red pear
  • a squirt of lemon



This smoothie came out fantastic. The avocado made it creamy, the pear gave it some sweetness, the lemon added just the right tang. It was great.


But more than delicious, it is nutritious. Check out the health benefits of this smoothie:

Bok Choy – member of the cabbage family

  • Bok Choy is similar to broccoli and brussel sprouts…otherwise known as a cruciferous vegetable.
  • It is loaded with vitamins A and C – in fact it is said that one cup of shredded bok choy has 34 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin c and more than a full day’s intake of vitamin A!
  • One cup also contains about 3% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium and phosphorus, 7% of calcium and 26% of Vitamin K.
  • I’m not done…it has 11% of the recommended daily intake of folate vitamin B-6 and 4% of potassium.
  • It also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which are great for your eyes.

So basically Bok Choy is good for your heart, good for your eyes, good for your bones and its an anti-cancer food. WOW! And that’s only with one cup. And yet it has a measly 9 calories.

Avocados also contain fiber, potassium, and vitamins but are best known for being a source of good heart-healthy fats, which are crucial in your daily diet. Despite the known “fat” controversy that there has been over the years, good fat is essential in lowering LDL cholesterol.

Pears and Lemons are powerful cleansers for the body and are popular in detox smoothies and juices.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day… well if that is true, then make it count with this powerful smoothie.

Have a wonderful day!!!

A Pile On The Greens Kinda Party

I am so incredibly proud of my girlfriend Frances that I am dedicating this post to her. Frances was hosting a party the other day for her friend who sells Mary Kay, Rebecca Pereira. Simultaneously, Rebecca is encouraging Frances to join the Women’s Cancer Association. Anyway, the invitation called for Makeup and Munchies…little did the invitees know that the “munchies” part would be mainly veggies!!!!

I thought hosting a party was pressure enough, but I got a call from Frances that I did not expect. She said, “Caro I want to make a healthy dinner for this party.” At first glance, this may not appear to be a big deal. But the reality is that it is a huge deal.  It is quite intimidating for a person that generally does not cook (FRANCES DOES NOT COOK!) to not only make a meal…but make an unpopular dish for a group of people and risk the whole thing to be a flop.

But my brave friend Frances decided this was a risk she was willing to take. We planned and plotted on what dish would be appropriate for this event. We thought Kale chips would be a good idea and at the suggestion of Orlando, we decided on Ratatouille as the main meal.

Frances even asked her friend to refrain from bringing dessert. What touched my soul deepest was the REASON Frances made this decision. She told me that she agreed with my post on Breast Cancer Awareness. She said that one of the things she wanted to bring to the Woman’s Cancer Association was the awareness that if we are going to get together to raise funds for cancer research and create support for women with cancer…we should participate fully and start with eating anti-cancer foods ourselves. She took this seriously and put all her energy in making this happen at her party. I am so impressed by her.

…On to the party….

Her party menu consisted of:

  • grapes, multigrain crackers, hummus and kale chips as appetizers
  • ratatouille as the main course

She took the Ratatouille recipe from Pile on the Greens, went to the store and bought all the ingredients.

Then she called in for a little help from the veggie expert:




Orlando taught her how to chop egg plant and guided her through the process. She followed our recipe and worked hard to make this incredible platter of pure veggies…



Then she sprinkled some cheese on top…




and voila!!!


She also made delicious kale chips. To make kale chips you just break off little chip like pieces…toss in olive oil, salt and pepper and put in the oven at 375 until crispy.



All the girls were totally impressed. Not only did the meal look and smell delicious…



it tasted delicious too!

IMG_2919At the end of it all we had happy girls that got to spend quality time together, laugh, play with makeup, and eat healthy, satisfying food.

Now THAT was a successful party!!!! Thank you Frances for supporting this cause, spreading the word, and walking the talk. You inspire me my dear friend.


En Papillote

En papillote is a healthy, low-fat cooking method where you steam bake your food in a pouch of parchment paper. If you’re looking for a delicious, healthy, aromatic meal… you have to try this cooking method! You can use this method to cook poultry but we have only used it for fish. When Orlando made it the first time, he made it with Salmon and I was blown away. The thing about it is that your entire meal is sealed in this little pouch, and when you open it up, it’s like a little piece of heaven. It has this delicious, earthy smell. The fish is completely moist and juicy, and the whole meal takes the flavors that you put in that pouch. And its actually one of the easiest recipes to make. Oh, and one added benefit…no mess. When you’re done, toss the pouch and relax because there will be no cleaning pots this evening!

These are the basic steps:

  • Preheat oven at 350
  • Slice the veggies you want to use (if you’re in a hurry or don’t want the extra hassle, you can buy a pre-sliced (unfrozen) veggie bag with a mix of veggies). Orlando used for our meal Green and Red Peppers and Red Onions.
  • Slice a few lemons
  • toss the veggies in a bowl with some light olive oil, light salt and pepper (the salt and pepper is always optional, and we like to err on the side of too little instead of too much!)
  • season the fish (in our case wild salmon) with a little salt and pepper
  • place on top of parchment paper IMG_2601
  • then you fold the parchment paper and staple all the sides to make sure that you make a little sealed package
  • Pour in some fresh squeezed lemon juice and a little white wine
  • IMG_2603Put in the oven to cook for 15 minutes.
  • Open the pouch and enjoy!!!!


I happen to think this is such a fantastic meal that it can be eaten by itself or maybe with a side of roasted asparagus…but a lot of people just aren’t satisfied without some sort of grain in their dinner.

Orlando tried this same recipe with a delicious snapper, but this time added pre-cooked quinoa into the pouch. (I had made the quinoa for the boys earlier so it didn’t add to his cooking time.) This recipe had some yellow peppers also…and just because he loves me, he snuck in 2 pieces of scallops in the pouch because they are my favorite. The meal was spectacular!!!!!!! The beauty of the quinoa was that it soaked in all the juices of the lemon and white wine. WOW!!!!!


I highly recommend this recipe. And your options for what goes in that little pouch are endless. Next time I’m going to ask him to put some delicious herbs in there. Will let you know how it goes!!!!

Are My Kids Sugar Addicts

I was just having this conversation with my cousin the other day about our children, and I have to confess its really frustrating. See, i’m a full blown sugar addict. And from what I understand, once an addict…always an addict. The truth is that I’ve been eating healthy for almost exactly 2 years now…and I still battle with cravings for bad food. The cravings are much fewer obviously. They are usually triggered if i’m totally starving, or during an event if they serve something I really love to eat. Those cravings are to be expected…but every once in a while, its 3:00 in the afternoon, i’m working, I feel a jab of hunger and I think to myself..I could totally eat a chocolate chip muffin right now.

So then come the children. I believe any parent wants their child to be healthy and strong and develop well. Which is probably why even parents who are not particularly into a “fruits and veggies” kind of lifestyle will find themselves buying organic baby food during the first year of their baby’s life or even making some of their own. We all begin with the best intentions. But somewhere after the first year, we start moving away from the purity of it all, and start giving our children things we think they’d like. Well, what we think they like has a lot to do with our own upbringing and lifestyles and tastes. For example, if we were born and raised in India, we would likely give our children spicy food from a very young age, where as in my Cuban family, giving our children spicy food is foreign and even seems unhealthy for their tender little tummies.

Most parents generally try to be stricter with their children. Limiting sugary products at first, trying to incorporate healthy food, etc. But then come the grandparents and family members. In their never ending desire to please the children…without the pressure of having to actually raise them…they are constantly offering “fun,” “happy” treats to our kids. Lolipops, candy, chocolates, the list goes on and on. And their presentation is even more fun than the treat. “Look what grandma brought you….said in a high pitched voice with a huge smile on her face…. a lollipop!!!!” And the children are thrilled!!!

Then comes school, and school is a totally different animal because they are exposed to junk ALL the time.

So what do you do? My struggle is this:

On the one hand I want to teach my children to eat well. For various reasons: their health, their development, and also so they don’t have to battle with their weight or lifestyles when they are older…regardless of their genetic composition. But on the other hand, I don’t want my kids to feel deprived, or be the weird kid in the class, or rebel against a healthy lifestyle because I was too extreme. So I aim for a balance of the forces. I figure at home I will always provide healthy food, but I won’t be the mom who doesn’t let their child have a cupcake at a birthday party. I’ll try to make lunches “healthy fun” by making their sandwiches in shapes and providing foods that don’t appear to be too strange. And i’ll try to control the grandparents, knowing that they will always get away with giving the kids a treat of some sort. And the balance in my head seems to be fair and balanced and I envision my children being raised healthy and loving good, wholesome foods…all the while enjoying a dessert at a birthday party and not falling under either extreme.

And then comes reality.

My two year old lately tells me daily that he doesn’t like vegetables. And this is a kid who DEVOURS vegetables. But for some reason, he says he doesn’t want vegetables. He’ll say something like, “Mommy I don’t want to eat the carrots on the plate,” even though I know he loves carrots . And he eats them by the way, but it takes cajoling and patience. As if that is not frustrating, I find out from a friend that my 4year old is jealous of all the other kids’ lunches because they are so much more fun than his. OUCH!!!!!! Add to this the amount of exceptions we end up making. Holidays, birthday parties, doctor’s visit, school, grandparent’s house, a play date, I often wonder, are these really exceptions or the norm? Slowly I see that the other side of the coin is gaining strength, and our desire to create a balance and allow leeway and exceptions isn’t actually resulting in a balance of forces. And it begs the question, despite all of our efforts, are we too raising sugar addicts?????

The question is one I simply can’t answer yet. But one thing is for sure, no matter what the end result is, I will never give up trying to teach my kids a better way. So far this is my action plan:

  1. Eat really healthy so my children see the example.
  2. Refuse to have unhealthy foods in my home, no matter what goes on at school or at grandma’s house.
  3. Talk about food with my kids and the purpose of it. I started explaining to my four year old yesterday that eating is not only to satisfy hunger but also to feed our bodies with the vitamins and nutrients we need to be strong. (Don’t think he understood or was interested in any of it but I will keep repeating myself)
  4. Make sure breakfast and dinner is really healthy since I will have limited control over my children during school hours.
  5. Continue to promote healthy lifestyles in an effort that our community will shift their paradigms and help our children grow up healthy.

And as far as lunch goes…I asked my 4 year old what he liked about the other kids’ lunches, and one of the things he said is that they always get sandwiches. I guess he doesn’t want to eat lentil soup if his friends are eating a ham and cheese. So i’m working on some healthy sandwiches and hoping for the best .

Yesterday, I made:


  • Grilled chicken
  • sliced apples
  • sliced carrots
  • sliced celery
  • avocado

I chopped everything up into TINY little pieces and mixed it in well with the avocado so it had the consistency of mayonnaise. And then I put it in an ezekiel bread wrap. It was truly delicious.



Funny enough, when I picked up the boys at school, Justin had left about a quarter of the sandwich uneaten. I asked him if he liked the sandwich I made him and he responded that he doesn’t like vegetables. So when we got in the car, I handed him the sandwich and asked “are you still hungry?” He took the sandwich and started eating it. All the way home he ate his sandwich telling me how yummy it was. But I guess he doesn’t like vegetables 🙂

For all you healthy parents out there, I beg for your advise and guidance in this area. Please feel free to comment.

Have a wonderful week!


Cleanse Recipes Part 2 – Our Salads

I remember once having a conversation with some girlfriends and one of them telling the group that she read an article regarding general eating habits that were discovered of thin people.

One of those habits was eating a salad with their meal. I remember the concept feeling so foreign to me. I don’t know why. It just didn’t feel easy or natural. I would have never thought then that I would make a salad for myself and my husband almost every single day for almost 2 years (and hopefully for the rest of our lives!)

But that’s how it goes in all journeys. Things that seem unnatural or difficult or tedious become common play after a while. And then you can’t even remember the reasons why it felt so impossible before.

So salads are a big thing in my house. It is our lunch. Almost every day, pretty much without exception. Sounds miserable? I promise you its not!!!!

Salads give us the opportunity to eat RAW, load up on good calories, stay healthy, and pile on the greens! And the beauty of it is that salads allow for so much variety.

When we first started this blog, I posted about my lunch salads and gave a guideline of the ingredients I used. But of course, as we evolve, so does our blog. I no longer put corn in our salads. Is corn absolutely delicious and sweet….YES…is it good for you….NO! Most corn is genetically modified and high in fructose. At least that’s what the hype is. And although I love it and will not hesitate to eat a corn at the cob at the Youth fair, I’ve chosen to remove it from our daily salads. I used to think that my salads wouldn’t taste good without corn, but once again, we have learned to love salads without corn and are doing just fine! The same goes with Craisins. We love craisins, but they have added sugar. Instead, we now put raisins. They are still high in sugar and add a nice sweetness to our salads, however, they have no added sugar which I prefer.

So, every day I prepare a different salad. Sometimes its out of this world delicious and sometimes its just ok. But everyday its good for our bodies.

Here are some of my basic recipes:

Salad #1 – (I always use olive oil and balsamic vinegar or lemon to dress my salads.)

  • Organic Spinach
  • sprinkle of sliced almonds
  • 1 tbsp of chia seeds
  • 1/4 sliced apple
  • sprinkle of raisins
  • 1/2 an avocado
  • 1 hard boiled egg
  • shaved carrots

Salad #2 –

  • Organic spring mix
  • a couple of broccoli florets raw
  • 1 cup of chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp of chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp of flax seeds
  • 2 red beets
  • 1/4 sliced pear
  • shaved carrots
  • sprinkle of raisins
  • sprinkle of sliced almonds

Salad #3-

  • Any leafy greens I have (sometimes I mix kale and romaine or butterhead lettuce and collards…just depends on what I have in the fridge)
  • 1/2 zucchini sliced (raw)
  • 1/2 yellow squash sliced (raw)
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • sprinkle of raisins
  • sprinkle of almonds
  • shaved carrots
  • 1/4 sliced pear or apple
  • 1 red beet sliced

The truth is that these combinations work with any number of substitutions. I rely heavily on what i have at home and on ripeness. If I used a pear in my smoothie I toss the remainder in my salad. I focus on not wasting my ingredients.

Ok, the last week of the Whole Living cleanse is week three:

Fruits, veggies, seafood, nuts and seeds, eggs, gluten free grains.

Orlando has successfully completed his fast and whole living cleanse right before his 36th birthday. And lost 10lbs that creeped up on him during the holidays and fantasy football season.

These salads were great for Orlando’s cleanse because they were no different than what he had been eating before.  Note: I did not put any eggs in his salad until week three.

Next week we will post some of our dinner recipes used during the cleanse. Have a great week!!!!!

The last post about the Cleanse – Dinner recipes and the aftermath

Hello all! This is the longest stretch I have ever gone without posting since I began this blog. To be honest, I have so many things to share, I don’t even know where to begin.

First things first…the recipes.  There are way too many recipes to put in a single post so I’ve decided to share with you a list of recipes that we used during these weeks. Some of these recipes have already been posted and you can see them in our recipe page. The other ones will be posted separately.

Week 1 dinners included:
Beet soup with a side of beet tops – My favorite part about this recipe is the beet tops. Did you know that beet tops are even more nutritious than the actual beet? And they are delicious sauteed in some olive oil with a sprinkle of salt and pepper!!!! I will elaborate more on the health benefits of beet tops in a separate post.

Butternut squash soup – this recipe was Orlando’s favorite cleanse recipe of all. He fell in love with this soup and made it several times throughout the cleanse in large batches. Then we would have it for dinner or lunch on other days.

Veggie tray – the veggie tray is Orlando’s concoction of different roasted vegetables.

Ratatouille without cheese or grains

Week 2 & 3 dinners included:

  • Butternut squash soup – it’s really yummy!!!!!
  • Salmon with a veggie side such as roasted asparagus or sauteed leeks, shallots, and asparagus, or broccoli
  • Snapper with a side of veggies and cauliflower mash
  • Salmon en Papillote

Now for the aftermath:

These are my thoughts about the cleanse. My perspective might differ from Orlando’s. But from observing him, this is what I gathered.

The cleanse started out great. The 48 hour fast put Orlando in a good place. It made him feel powerful. It is an empowering feeling to know that you can control your hunger… that you control food instead of food controlling you. He broke his fast with a delicious ratatouille. We had never had ratatouille without cheese or grains and it was actually delicious. The first week of the cleanse went well also because it just feels so good to eat so clean.

The nicorette gum was terribly difficult for Orlando. He gave up too much all at once and he wasn’t feeling well. He decided for his own sake to wean off the nicorette gum instead of quit cold turkey. He had 2 gums a day for the first two weeks of the cleanse, then he weaned to one and I am so happy to say he is OFF NICORETTE ENTIRELY!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

So far so good. The cleanse was going well…and then we hit the second weekend. Weekends are rough on all of us. Orlando is not really a fall off the wagon on the weekends kind of guy. For the most part he eats well. But he likes his drink. He loves to have his cigar and wine or scotch on the weekends.  The weekends are relaxed from our routine. So when the weekend hit, it sucked that Orlando couldn’t have a nice glass of wine with his cigar. But that wasn’t all, he couldn’t have anything. No chocolate, no cheese, no meat, no sauces, nothing.  Going out to eat was very difficult. He found himself simply not eating. Side note: we did go to Ruby Tuesdays and were shocked with their great selection of vegetables.  We recommend to anyone who is trying to stay healthy.

By the time he got to week 3 he was done. He was cranky. He was irritable. He wanted cheese on his Ratatouille. He wanted a piece of chocolate after dinner. He wanted his life back. He was so done that on the last day of his cleanse we visited his father in Hialeah and went to a little market that had awful disgusting food. And Orlando would have devoured it at that point. He was in such a bad place. And what’s funny is that he wouldn’t touch that food normally, but he was just sick and tired of not having a choice.

My opinion is that he did the cleanse for too long and it goes against what we promote in the first place…to have a healthy, balanced lifestyle. During the last week, he began to respond as if he were on a “diet” that he couldn’t wait to get off. It only strengthened my view that diets simply don’t work. Life is to enjoy. We are not meant to feel deprived all the time.  When we put ourselves in a place of constant sacrifice to lose weight…then we eventually lose weight, are tired of the sacrifice…and rebel…hence, we gain weight and the vicious cycle begins again.

I think the biggest reason we have successfully kept a healthy lifestyle is because we have learned to enjoy eating healthy. We are not bored to tears with our food choices  or eating bland food day in, day out. We have found delicious “alternatives” to the food we used to enjoy. We pick and choose what we cut out of our diet. We can eat a pizza on the weekend if we really want to. We are super clean during the week and then on the weekend we relax a little. If there is something we really want we have it. For me for example it might be ice cream cake at a birthday party. For Orlando it’ll be his scotch during a domino game. Its the 90/10 split that I always promote. If you make good choices 90% of the time, the other 10% doesn’t count. The key is to keep it at 10% only!!!!! Orlando gained a little weight during holiday/fantasy football season, and its because his exceptions were more than 10%, and he unfortunately has the tendency to gain weight.

But the cleanse was a different story. It was 100% all the time, no exceptions. And it took its toll. I would venture to say that it even had a negative effect on Orlando. The things he loved before his cleanse even became boring for him afterwards…like his lunch salad. He even started complaining about cooking. He was tired of chopping vegetables. He lost motivation.

The results were good from a weight perspective. Orlando lost the 10lbs he gained. But worth it??? I guess only he can answer that. I think a 1 week cleanse would have given him a jump start and he could’ve gone back to his 90/10 lifestyle and maybe it would have taken a little bit longer to lose those extra pounds but it would’ve been better.

But all in all, it was a great learning experience. Now we are back to our middle ground. After a couple of weeks of feeling worn down from the cleanse,Orlando has recouped and is happily back to his salads for lunch and although he does want to cut down a little on the cooking, he is finding ways to simplify his veggie chopping and making quicker meals.

And so my friends, the journey to health, happiness, and balance continues for our family. We hope it continues for yours also.

Cleanse Recipes Part 1

Orlando has successfully completed 2 weeks of his cleanse. Here is the breakdown:

Week 1 – fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds
Week 2 – fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, seafood

I realize that sometimes the most challenging part of changing your diet is that you don’t know where to begin. That’s why we all desperately look for sample menus or recipes. The whole concept appears bigger than our minds can handle. This used to happen to us. I believe our success in this process has been in keeping it simple.

Especially when doing things like a cleanse which is so strict or when starting a lifestyle change, sticking to a simple regimen makes it easier for us to follow through with it. Then when it gets boring or you’re more comfortable with the foods you’re eating, then you can start incorporating more alternatives.

The basic meal plan is as follows:

Smoothies for breakfast
Salads for lunch
Powersnack balls or almonds for snack
Hot Dinner

There are so many things I’d like to share about the cleanse that i’m having a hard time putting it all in one post so I’ve decided to do several posts regarding the recipes used during the cleanse.

Let’s begin with a few recipes for our morning smoothies:

I’ve made all sorts of smoothies in the past but during these 2 weeks I’ve really focused on cleansers for us to maximize orlando’s detox month.

I bought a few herb plants: parsley, mint, thyme, cilantro, basil, oregano and put them in my backyard. I’ve been taking advantage of them!!!

Smoothie #1 (Orlando’s favorite)

  • parsley
  • cilantro
  • celery
  • cucumber
  • lemon
  • pear
  • water

Smoothie #2 (my favorite)

  • cilantro
  • cucumber
  • pineapple
  • blueberries
  • lemon
  • water

Smoothie #3

  • celery
  • parsley
  • lemon
  • ginger
  • apple
  • stevia
  • water

Smoothie #4

  • cucumber
  • celery
  • lemon
  • green superfood
  • pear
  • water
  • stevia

The great thing about these smoothies have been their consistency. Orlando does not like the seedy smoothies and he really doesn’t like it when the smoothies are thick. But we do smoothies instead of juicing in order to preserve the fiber content of the fruits and veggies. Well, the beauty of these is that they come out juice-like. Much smoother than some of the other smoothies and Orlando likes drinking them a lot more. I use the nutribullet for these and I make sure to always add water to the max line and they are great.

All these variations are great for cleansing the system, great for the skin and quick and easy to make in the mornings.



PowerSnack Balls Recipe

Uhhhh, I know it took me soooo long to get this recipe on here!! This has been a crazy week for us!

So no more waiting here is Orlando’s delicious recipe for our snack balls: (he took the receipe from Whole Living and made it his way)

nuts and dried fruit. no added sugar. hemp, chia, flax, and sesame seeds

power Snack Balls

To make the small batch:

  • 1 cup of random dried fruits whichever you like, just make sure they have no sugar added (whole foods). I used 2 different types of dates, figs, and dried banana.
  • 1 cup of raisins
  • 2 cups of your favorite nuts (we did 1 cup almonds 1 cup pecans)
  • 1/4 cup of healthy seeds (we used chia, flax, and hemp)
  • Sesame seeds
  • Dry, unsweetened shredded coconut


  • Put nuts in food processor and process until they are chopped small (30 seconds or so). Remove to a bowl
  • Put dried fruits in food processor until it forms a paste. You will know its done when the paste is formed and starts to roll around in the processor like dough in a mixer.
  • Knead the fruit and nuts together until all the nuts are incorporated into the fruit. It takes a couple of minutes. At first it will appear as if you will never get all the nuts into the paste, but keep kneading it and they will all incorporate into the paste.
  • Form into a meatloaf size loaf.
  • You can now either roll them into 1/2 inch balls or slice the loaf with a knife and cut them into small squares (much less time consuming).
  • Now press the balls or squares into a bowl filled with coconut and sesame seeds. You can do one or the other or both.


Note that when I made the above recipe those things lasted only one day in my house, so next time I doubled the recipe.

A little side note:

Food has become a major part of our life as a family. Eating healthy requires planning, preparing, shopping, cooking…its a process. ESPECIALLY, when its a learned behavior like it is for us. Sounds exhausting, but its actually really nice. We talk about what we’re going to eat for the week, we explore new ingredients and recipes together, and we each have our roles in the kitchen. Orlando is the head chef, I take care of most of the raw stuff, i.e. breakfast and lunch, and the boys help us with the preparing of food (as much as they can on the days we can afford the mess!)

The process makes all of us conscious and aware of what we’re putting in our mouths.

So if you have kids old enough to help, and you want to make them a part of your health journey, invite them to the kitchen and let them get a little dirty rolling balls in sesame seeds or kneading nuts and fruits. I believe this encourages them to try new things and empowers them! DSC_0343DSC_0340DSC_0335DSC_0336


Goodbye Fast, Hello Detox!

After I posted a few days ago about Orlando’s 36 hour fast, I’ve been getting emails, texts, and phone calls wondering how it went, if he survived and details about the experience. So we decided to share. The fast was only supposed to be from Thursday after dinner to Saturday morning. 36 hours. He was then going to spring into his cleanse. On Saturday morning, when he woke up I asked him what he wanted to eat for breakfast. He didn’t want breakfast! He wasn’t hungry anymore!!!! We had baseball that morning so he told me he would wait until lunchtime to eat. Lunch turned to dinner and before we knew it, Orlando had fasted for 48 hours. Nothing but water, lemons, and green superfood for 48 hours!!!! It was incredible to see how he continued to push himself during the fast. We even went to Costco during the whole thing and he never broke down emotionally even though he was surrounded by food…and those little sample taste carts that surround the Costco aisles!

As for the Nicorette, he had 2 nicorette gums on day 1 of the fast and 2 nicorette gums on day 2. This was a huge step for him considering that he consumes approximately 10-15 gums on a regular day. He initially intended to quit cold turkey but started to fear that he was putting his body/brain under too much distress. That could have negative consequences, because it is so highly addictive that it messes with your brain chemistry. The goal is to cleanse to be healthy not produce unhealthy results. So he has chosen to taper off, dramatically, but not cold turkey. As we posted earlier, this gum is his biggest challenge.  His withdrawal symptoms have included anxiety and a lot of pressure in his head. Not so much a headache as pressure in the brain.  But he has continued to work through it and I am so incredibly awed by him.

So now he moves on to the cleanse. He’s basing his cleanse criteria on a cleanse offered by Whole Living

One of my best friends did this cleanse last year and told us about it. I took some recipes from there back then and now we’re using it as a guide for Orlando. Note: there is a 2013 cleanse offered by them, but I like this one better because it is stricter.

So Orlando is in week 1 of the cleanse which means he is only eating:

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • plant based fats- nuts, seeds, and oils

He broke his fast on Saturday evening with a delicious Ratatouille. He made a few changes to this recipe, for example, he added brussel sprouts, carrots, and broccoli. He did NOT use any cheese or put it on a bed of grains such as Quinoa or Couscous. So really it turned more into a vegetable casserole. IMG_2336It was absolutely delicious!!!!

On Sunday he made a delicious Beet Soup for lunch. And we had the leftover Ratatouille for dinner.

And…. he made what I like to call PowerSnack Balls to have for the week! He grabbed the idea from the Whole Living recipes and tweeked it to make it his own. Basically its a ball made out of dried fruit (no sugar added! we could only find it at Whole Foods), nuts, and seeds. Stay tuned for that recipe tomorrow. It is totally worth it!!!! I don’t even like dried fruit and I LOVED those PowerSnack balls!

So we are ready to attack the week and we’ll keep you posted of his progress along the way. And yes…even though the kids and I are not participating in the cleanse, we do eat a lot of the same things as he does.  I’m just not eliminating things like my coffee for breakfast or my dark chocolate for dessert, or the kids yogurt for example. But what he makes is what we eat as a family and that way we all benefit from his cleanse!

Have a wonderful week!

A new challenge beginning with a fast

My husband has made a lot of changes in the last few years. The most significant are that he stopped smoking cigarettes the day our first son was born…and that he lost 60 lbs. Well, it should always be our goal to continue to improve and change and be better. And I’m proud to say Orlando is constantly aiming to improve, change, and be better.

The one thing he has been clutching on to with both hands is Nicorette gum. That one really got him hooked. The problem is that its absolutely terrible for you. Besides the obvious nicotine factor, our doctor explained to him that it has all sorts of chemicals that affect the liver, etc. Even the label warns you not to use the product for more than a certain period of time, I believe 6 months or so. But yet my husband has been chewing the gum for 4 years and 4 months. So the time has come for him. It will probably be harder than any challenge he has had in the past. And because he tends to be an all or nothing kind of guy, he decided to take a month to do a full body cleanse. No alcohol, tobacco, nicorette, dairy, chocolate, caffeine, animal protein…YIKES!!!!!

So it started today with a 24 hour green lemonade fast.

Here is the recipe.

  • 1 gallon of water
  • 6 peeled lemons
  • 6 scoops of green superfood
  • 5 drops of stevia



He will spend the whole day drinking this gallon of lemonade with no other food. Pure detox.  Then he will begin a week of vegetables and fruits and I will update you on the foods we make and supplements we take to help him with this cleanse. This will be a difficult challenge for him but if he can manage to complete it, I am certain that he will be grateful he did it at the end.

Wish him luck!!!!!!!