Seeds For Snack

Personally, snacks have been one of the most difficult challenges in changing my lifestyle. I can swing a smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch, and let Orlando worry about dinner. That’s easy. But what do I do when its 5pm and i’m stuck in traffic and I know I’m not going to have dinner until at least 7pm. I’ll tell you what happens to me. First I feel the hunger…then I realize how long its going to be before I eat again…then I feel more hunger… then I see the bumper to bumper traffic in front of me…then I start thinking of bad food. Junk food. Fast food. Easy food. Anything I used to eat that would satisfy my current situation. By the time I get home and have been hungry for over an hour, I will eat almost anything I find. That’s not a good place to be. It leads to eating things you want to avoid and then later feeling guilty about it.

The solutions are slim to be completely honest!!!! But the key is to always be prepared and avoid getting to the point where you are starving.

I have done my homework, and have found that the easiest, cleanest, and most practical solution is to always have seeds and/or nuts in your office, purse, briefcase, or whatever it is you transport with you. You can prepackage them in little ziplock bags and take one every day with you.

Alton Brown once said you should have an ounce of raw almonds every single day.

NOTE: These are high-fat snacks, and although I promote eating whole foods that are high in good fats, moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle! So govern yourself accordingly 🙂

There are all types of seeds you can find that are good for you:

  • Sunflower seeds- my favorite (unsalted…sorry)
  • hemp seeds
  • chia seeds
  • pumpkin seeds

Some good benefits of Seeds:

  1. Seeds contain iron and zinc. In fact, one ounce of pumpkin seeds contains almost twice as much iron as three ounces of skinless chicken breast!!!!
  2. They are also an excellent source of fiber and protein and Vitamin E.
  3. Sesame Seeds in particular are a good source of the bone-building mineral calcium.

Nuts are also great for you:

  • Raw almonds
  • Pistachios
  • Cashews

The reason I choose raw almonds is because almonds can lose up to 15 percent of their own healthy oils, according to Dr. Mehmet Oz. Also, when roasted at high temperatures, chemicals can be formed in the the almonds that promote aging. Of course, roasted almonds are a better choice than a bag of chips, so we must take everything with a grain of salt!!! So when you can, buy raw.

Benefits of Nuts as described by Mayo Clinic:

  • unsaturated fats. It’s not entirely clear why, but it’s thought that the “good” fats in nuts — both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats — lower bad cholesterol levels.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Many nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are a healthy form of fatty acids that seem to help your heart by, among other things, preventing dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in many kinds of fish, but nuts are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Fiber. All nuts contain fiber, which helps lower your cholesterol. Fiber also makes you feel full, so you eat less. Fiber is also thought to play a role in preventing diabetes.
  • Vitamin E. Vitamin E may help stop the development of plaques in your arteries, which can narrow them. Plaque development in your arteries can lead to chest pain, coronary artery disease or a heart attack.
  • Plant sterols. Some nuts contain plant sterols, a substance that can help lower your cholesterol. Plant sterols are often added to products like margarine and orange juice for additional health benefits, but sterols occur naturally in nuts.
  • L-arginine. Nuts are also a source of l-arginine, which is a substance that may help improve the health of your artery walls by making them more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow.
  • For the full article visit:

When it comes to seeds and nuts, I believe that in order to really get the most healthy fats and true benefits of them you need to buy them in their original state. So look at the ingredients of what you’re buying and make sure you’re buying them as single ingredients instead of disguised with a million different additives.

Fun Fact: Raw almonds are great for heartburn!!!! So for the pregnant ladies, try popping a fee raw almonds before TUMS and see how you feel!!



One thought on “Seeds For Snack

  1. Caro I totally agree with you seeds are the best and most filling snacks. I find that Fresh Market has the best seed mixes. And raw almonds too. There has been times when I have been to busy for lunch and seeds have saved my life. Having a little zip block with seeds in the purse is for me as important as a cosmetics bag is for some girls. Love the nutrition facts. Great blog!

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