Delicious Salad

So as I promised yesterday, I’m posting the salad recipe I made last night. My husband was not going to be home for dinner, which meant no cooking for me. Its so easy for me to put a salad together that it was the best choice.

The ingredients were:

  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Raw Zucchini slices
  • Raw Yellow Squash slices
  • Raw carrot slices
  • 1 cooked red beat
  • goat cheese (just a few crumbles)
  • sliced almonds
  • dried plums
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 heirloom tomato sliced
  • 1/4 sliced pear
  • light drizzle of olive oil and vinegar


Absolutely delicious!!!! I’ve never really posted my salads as recipes because its just something I toss together. But I must confess I do have knack for making some tasty salads. We don’t often eat salads for dinner since we’ve already eaten one for lunch, but today I had some leftover Ratatouille for lunch so that fresh salad was a perfect evening meal.

Side note about a great buy: We LOVE beets, so every once in a while we roast a ton of beets, wrap them in aluminum foil and put them in the fridge to use for smoothies, salads, or a side veggie. But the other day Orlando found this little treasure at Whole Foods. Vacuum sealed cooked beets. They don’t expire until May (I think because they are vacuum sealed) and the only ingredient is: beets. He bought a couple of them and they are wonderful to have in the fridge just in case you ever want beets but don’t have any pre-cooked ones in the fridge or you don’t have the time to roast them yourself.


How Raw Are You??

Just a few days ago I ran into a lady that works at my office. This lady is 46 years old and runs marathons, competes in body building competitions, eats super healthy…and needless to say….looks phenomenal. So she comes into my office to meet little Ryan and mentions to me, “You know i’ve gone 80% raw.”

I know about people who are raw vegan , but when she said she was 80% raw, I really didn’t understand what she meant, so I asked her. She told me I eat raw most of the day. Meaning salads, seeds, nuts, fruits, fats, etc. And then she explained that she hasn’t really been able to let go completely of “hot” food so in the evening she may sautee some veggies or cook a salmon.

Throughout this whole journey, I’ve read about a lot of different diets if you will. Paleo, Raw, Vegan, Raw Vegan, Vegetarian, etc. I really can’t say I subscribe fully to any of these lifestyles fully because there are things I eat that don’t fall within their plans. What I try to do is take good information from each system (from any system really) and try to apply it to my life as much as possible. But our needs vary as our ages and lifestyles vary. There are times when you need more of a particular food than another and that is always changing.

Back to RAW – so what does this really mean:  The theory is that heating food over 118 degrees Fahrenheit destroys much of the nutrients in your food. So the claim is that if you eat food in its preserved state, you will have increased energy, weightloss, better sleep, better bowel movements, less illness, and more hydration and oxygenation (anti-aging).

Every article I’ve read suggests that  it is not necessary to go 100% raw to get the benefits of this lifestyle. In fact, to go completely raw without any sort of transition might cause your body too much stress because it starts to cleanse too quickly. So it is encouraged to simply increase the amount of raw foods in your diet slowly and gradually.

After my friend explained to me her diet, I realized Orlando and I are pretty “raw” ourselves!!! It was something that happened so subtly that I didn’t even realize there was a name for it.

So our daily diet looks a little like this:


Naturally there are variations to this. For example, I incorporate hard boiled eggs a few times a week into our diet. Or maybe one day I’ll have steel cut oatmeal for breakfast or maybe the prior days hot veggies get tossed in my otherwise raw salad.

But the point is that we spend most of our day eating whole, unaltered foods that help improve our digestion and keep our weight down.

Interesting story: Orlando gained about 8 pounds in the holiday months. Orlando has a tendency to gain weight so we were not surprised since the holidays involve lots of parties, alcohol, work functions, and change of routine. But in January when our lives settled back to normal, we were talking one day and Orlando commented that although we did make a lot of exceptions during the Holidays, he really never stopped eating lots of vegetables. We started to run through our dinners and they had not changed much except the days we were not home. So why the weight gain? And it hit us like a ton of bricks. LUNCH. Lunches were Orlando’s worst enemy. Where I normally make his salad for him to take to the office, that routine was most affected because of scheduling, lack of planning, and holiday lunches. So although it did not seem like a drastic change, he went from eating raw pretty much all day until dinnertime…to eating hot food at restaurants. Nothing major, maybe a soup and a sandwich, or a grilled chicken…nothing totally unhealthy but enough to make a difference in his weight.

So our challenge to you this week is to take a hard look at your diet and see how RAW you are. Are you feeding your body enough raw, unprocessed, unaltered foods? If you’re not, what part of your day can you add a little raw to? Maybe a smoothie for breakfast? Just type in smoothie in the search box on our home page and pull up some of our smoothie recipes to try. Or maybe just a salad for lunch where you can sneak in some raw veggies? We will post a couple of our salads this week so you can take a look. Who knows…maybe it’ll make a difference in your life as much as it has in ours!

Boosting the Immune System Smoothie

My 2 year old woke up at 12:30am screaming on Monday morning because his head and ear hurt. He was coughing and his eyes were red and clearly he had a cold. People question me all the time as to why my kids get sick despite how “healthy” we feed them. I actually had this same question and asked my doctor about it. His response was…because they’re kids. We live in a society where we are indoors much more than outdoors. The a/c is always circulating and germs circulate as well. These kids are always touching everything and then putting everything in their mouths and combining that with not getting enough sun and being outdoors enough is a bad combination. So our kids get sick just like all other 2 and 4 year olds. But from the moment I know the cold is coming, I attack with all my remedies. And to be honest, my kids usually bounce back pretty quickly and (knock on wood) I have not had to give either of my children antibiotics in over a year.

Anyway, Monday morning I made a boost your immune system smoothie and it was delicious. I just had to share it.

  • 2 chopped carrots
  • romaine lettuce
  • 1 apple
  • frozen pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • almond milk (unsweetened) I fill to the MAX line on the nutribullet

This is where I really got creative. I have a bottle of vitamin c with bioflavanoids capsules. I opened up two of the capsules and poured in the vitamin c powder in the mixture. I also put in vitamin D drops.

It continues to fascinate me how I can do whatever I want with my food at home. This concept is one I simply did not have before. My mind was totally limited. I would have never thought that I could boost my kids’ smoothie with vitamin c because all I saw was a pill that they are too young to swallow. The old me would have thought, I have to go to whole foods and buy vitamin c drops. Crushing a pill or taking its contents out of the capsule would have never dawned on me. But it does now. My paradigm has shifted and I see possibilities I never saw before. This makes me so happy. This is the creativity my husband has always had that makes him cook such delicious food. It is finally rubbing off!!! YAY!!!!!!

A note on the almond milk: I was quite hesitant to make this smoothie with almond milk because I didn’t think the combination would taste too good. And I usually juice my carrots because I really don’t like the texture of the carrots blended in smoothies. But I always make a carrot/ginger/orange  juice and I didn’t have oranges on Monday only apples and pineapple. So I looked up some recipes and all the carrot/pineapple recipes called for almond milk. I decided to give it a chance and was pleasantly surprised. The almond milk helped a lot with the consistency of the carrots. This is great because I prefer smoothies to juicing in order to preserve the fiber from the vegetables and fruits.

The boys and I loved the smoothie and along with all our other home remedies, everyone is  feeling better. Keeping our fingers crossed that the 2 week old doesn’t get sick!!!!!



Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe… on this blog??

So, my husband’s cousin is a serious baker…which I find utterly amusing since she eats about as strictly within her diet as anyone I’ve ever met in my life. Coincidently, one of my best friends who also follows a strict eating regimen is also a serious baker. Maybe there’s something to it.

Anyway, our cousin is at our house just before our baby was born and I was mentioning to her that my girlfriend sent me an email with a recipe for “LACTATION COOKIES”

You read correctly…Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies that are supposed to help you produce more milk! Well, since i’m nursing I could use all the milk I can get and I showed this recipe to my husband. When he glanced at it, he showed me that the recipe called for flour and a lot of sugar. I wouldn’t mind eating these as a cheat but they definitely weren’t healthy.

So I tell our cousin about it and I ask her if she could make a healthy version of these cookies. She took this task quite seriously. It took her 2 weeks to show up at my house with these cookies because she made several batches trying to make them just right. But what she presented to us this last Saturday was MAGICAL!!!!! Absolutely delicious. And a healthy alternative!

This was her recipe:


  1. Preheat oven to 350° and make sure that one wire rack is positioned in the middle of the oven.
  2. Mix the flaxseed meal and water and let sit for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Mix coconut oil, coconut sugar, and stevia well.
  4. Add eggs and mix well.
  5. Add flaxseed mix and vanilla, mix well.
  6. Sift together flour, brewers yeast, fenugreek, baking soda, and salt (a.k.a. the dry ingredients).  Instead of sifting you can also put all the dry ingredients in a food processor and pulse for 5 to 15 seconds.  Please note that sugar is NOT a “dry ingredient.”
  7. Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredient mix (i.e. the coconut oil, coconut sugar, stevia, eggs, etc.).
  8. Stir in oats and semisweet chocolate chips.  I add chips according to the individual consumer’s taste.  I like a lot of chips, but some people may not like many.  Decide ahead of time and eye-ball it.
  9. Scoop onto baking sheet.  Try to scoop even-sized cookies, so that they cook evenly.
  10. Bake for 12-13 minutes. The heat varies in different ovens (and cookie sizes may vary), so you may have to bake the cookies longer than 12 to 13 minutes. . If you have to bake longer, monitor the cookies closely, so that they do not burn.  Increase the time in one minute increments and check the cookies after each minute.
  11. Let set for a couple minutes then remove from tray.

From what I understand what is supposed to help with the lactation is the Brewer’s Yeast, Fenugreek, and Oats. I can’t say for sure my milk supply increased by eating them but I did enjoy them thoroughly. And I think it is absolutely wonderful that I could enjoy, (and offer to my guests) a sweet treat that despite containing sugar, had beneficial vitamins and nutrients as a result of its ingredients.

For example:

  • Brewer’s yeast contains folic acid, B12, Potassium, Thiamin, Niacin, and Chromium. It is known to help improve certain conditions including: Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, High Cholesterol, Eczema, Nervousness, Stress, Carpal Tunnel,  Anemia, and Constipation 
  • Fenugreek is a medicinal herb that is used for arthritis, cancer treatment, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, high cholesterol, inducing childbirth, infections, inflammation, lactation stimulation, lymphadenitis, muscle pain, promoting urination, skin ulcers and wound healing. PLEASE NOTE: because Fenugreek can cause uterine contractions, pregnant women should NOT consume Fenugreek!!!! 
  • Flaxseeds are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and phytochemicals (antioxidants) including lignans which tend to balance female hormones among other benefits.
  • Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. It also can help to fight off yeast, fungus, and candida.

This girl is so wonderful that she actually did some research on coconut sugar. What she found was that even though coconut sugar is still sugar, it appears that it scores lower on the glycemic index than regular sugar because of its soluble fiber content. Additionally, she discovered that adding coconut oil also reduced the insulin spike that you would normally get from consuming sugar.

Naturally these are not diet cookies and if you are trying to lose weight I wouldnt suggest eating them regularly. But for those who simply want to eat whole foods instead of processed stuff, isn’t it amazing that you can have a delicious cookie which only has ingredients you can pronounce? That is the beauty of making things at home.

So do they help the nursing mother lactate? Who knows and who cares! They were delicious!!!!




The Beauty of a Support System

Hi all!

We’ve been out of the picture for a while, having our third baby. Luckily, we had a healthy, strong, 7LB 11OZ little boy. Here is a pic of when the 2 older boys came to meet their little brother.

Ryan's Birth

This time around, I decided to have a natural delivery without intervention or medication. I found a midwife that delivers at Baptist hospital, which I liked because it was very close to my home and I still had the security blanket that I was in the hospital in the event of an unforeseen emergency. In any event, it was a successful birth on my terms in almost every aspect…except one…FOOD!

I’ve read that the process of delivering a child is a process of detoxification. This process of detoxification also occurs during a woman’s menstrual cycle. I read this in a book and cannot say for sure if this is true or not. But the concept makes sense in my head. Having a baby involves a loss of blood, water, placenta, and baby and in that process, it makes sense to me that you can eliminate toxins and cleanse out your body.

REGARDLESS, THE POINT IS that because I believed that I was going through a process of elimination, I wanted good whole foods to replenish my system. Post-delivery the nurse asked me if I wanted juice and crackers. The juice they offered was generic, with high fructose corn syrup…and really not what I wanted as the first thing to introduce to my body after this process. So I asked if I could order a bowl of fruit. They gave me a menu and as I glanced through it, I realized that there were barely any healthy options. They did have fruit but mostly fruit cups – that have added sugar. So I opted for a bowl of strawberries and water.

And then I realized that my illusions of “replenishing” my body with good stuff was not looking too good during my hospital stay. BUT SOMETHING MAGICAL HAPPENED! I voiced my desire to have good food and all of a sudden, my support system fell into place.

  • My 21 year old niece had made a Sweet potato/carrot soup at home and had her lunch packed with her. She had the nurses heat up the soup for me and gave me her lunch.
  • My cousin makes smoothies at home all the time. She has a huge yard with tons of different fruit trees. She called me and asked me if she could bring me anything. I asked for a smoothie. She brought me a smoothie with spinach, celery, lettuce, papaya, mango, apples. WOW! Delicious and exactly what I needed. Not only did she make me one the evening I gave birth but the following morning also.
  • My father asked me if he could pick anything up for me and I asked him to bring me a bottle of vitamin c with bioflavanoids and 4-5 lemons. Random right! Well, right before I delivered I felt a slight cold coming on and my boys had stuffy noses. I didn’t want to risk getting the baby sick and I sure didn’t want to be sick with a newborn. So I called my doctor and he suggested those things as well as warm soups with lots of garlic. Needless to say my father came to the rescue and I drank lots of water with lemon and drank my vitamin c.
  • My husband wanted sushi for dinner the first night we were at the hospital and ordered me a roll of sushi…but also ordered me a bowl of miso soup with a lot of added garlic!
  • One of my girlfriend’s brought me some pistaccio/nut snacks and a banana.
  • And my husband’s grandmother made me chicken and beans for lunch the second day I was at the hospital.

I was only in the hospital for a little more than 24 hours. I came in Tuesday morning and was home by Wednesday afternoon. But needless to say during my stay I never had to eat hospital food and my troops came in to my aid.

This was so very meaningful to me. We are not islands and we really can’t do much without support of a community around us. It is important to ask for things you need so that people know truly how to help you. And it is a blessing when you have people who are willing to cater to you in a time of need. The support I received was not only good for my body but good for my soul.

During my first week at home my other cousin brought me chocolate chip cookies (which are my weakness!) and one of my very best friends brought me the most delicious home-made banana-chocolate chip muffins. I ate 4 of them for breakfast that morning!!!!!! I really had never tasted muffins so delicious before…They were truly worth the cheat!

Balance is important and it is nice to treat yourself to something you love. But it is also important to give your body what it needs not only what it wants. Because of the loving family I have (and I consider my friends my family also) I got to have what I wanted and what I needed, and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful support system in my life. And this is not even mentioning everything other than food that my friends have brought to show support and love. It is amazing and beautiful.

So keep it in mind folks…if a loved one is in a hospital post-delivery or surgery…maybe you can keep the community support rolling and make sure they have what they need. Until hospitals and restaurants start offering real healthy alternatives, all we have is each other.

A smoothie morning



So this morning I made a delicious smoothie.

Green chard (leafy green)
1/2 avocado
1/2 banana

I made this smoothie this morning and although it was delicious and nutritious… It really wasn’t the reason I’m blogging about it. It was watching my kids enjoy it that really made me want to share. I have posted before that we are big on talking to our kids about food and ingredients and making them a part of what we eat. Well I think today was a great example of how they experience food. I don’t think I ever really talked about food until I was 32 years old. I just ate what I was given or what I wanted. But I never experienced food the way my boys are experiencing it. And I think it’s made a difference in their openness to trying new things and hopefully it always will. I hope you enjoy this little clip of them this morning As much as I enjoyed filming it! Please disregard the stickers on my little ones hair or the smoothie stains all over his cheek. I was capturing a moment!

Add a little goodness…

There are so many ways to incorporate just a little more health into your daily routine just by adding some hidden ingredients to foods you already eat and enjoy. Often times you can do this without even altering the taste of the food and in essence you are boosting its nutritional content with minimal effort.

A good example of this is with our oatmeal. Even though we love making morning smoothies for breakfast, a couple of times a week we make the kids (and myself) oatmeal for breakfast instead of a smoothie. I like switching breakfasts so no one gets bored of eating anything nutritious!!!

So before I used to just make a bowl of oatmeal with some almond milk and voila! With time that has changed. Flaxseed is an incredible “superfood” and is great to incorporate into your daily diet. Lots of people add flaxseed to their smoothies or buy it in liquid or pill form and have a spoonful everyday, etc.

I found that its quite simple to add a tablespoon of powdered flaxseed to our oatmeal. It doesn’t alter the taste of the oatmeal at all and we just boosted our breakfast with some awesomeness!!!!


High in Protein
Rich in Soluble Fiber
Contain Vitamins B1,B2 C, E and carotene, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium
Contain high quantities of Lignin- Lignin has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral propereties.
High in Omega 3 fatty acids

Isn’t it great that one little ingredient can help boost immunity, promote healthy skin, help with constipation, aid cardiovascular health and stabilize blood sugar????

Flaxseed is one of many examples of ways to add goodness to your diet.

And for people that struggle with eating habits, small changes help a lot!

So the next time you make yourself breakfast, lunch or dinner, ask yourself….how can I add a little goodness to this meal? The options are endless!!!!


Friends, this is more than just a movie about a mouse who can cook. This is a delightful meal that hopefully will become a weekly staple in our home. I’m blown away by it!!! So we went back to our Annie’s box of Organics last week. At some point in November, I had cancelled my subscription. I had some issues with the box.

The cons:
1. we get berries but never enough for the size of my family so the one box of blueberries goes the first day we get the box.
2. the box can sometimes get repetitive and we get the same vegetable a couple of weeks in a row (i.e. potatoes…and we really don’t eat potatoes, so that gets annoying)
3. some of the items in the box doesn’t have to be organic so we’re paying organic prices for some veggies we really can get cheaper elsewhere (i.e. avocados)
4. we don’t get to choose what we get.

We thought we had gotten to a place where we had explored most of what the box was going to give us and really we were veggie-savvy enough to go to Whole foods, or Publix or any other market and get whatever vegetables and fruits we wanted for the week without having someone else pick it for us.

RESULTS… The variety declined. Even though we would only get one little box of berries every other week, at least we were getting a box. We’d go to Whole Foods every week and rarely can we find organic berries. At least at our store. They’re simply not available. So we’d end up not eating berries at all instead of our one little box that we all enjoy thoroughly!
And then we started falling back on the most comfortable dishes…our cabbage soup, our salmon with cauliflower and asparagus, our veggie tray…but week after week we were eating the same meals and I even found myself going back to my blog to re-discover some of our own recipes because I didn’t know what to buy at the store.


January 7th we went back to our box. I went online and found that in the 2 little months I had strayed they had started a new box that they call the Paleo box. (Note: we are not on a Paleo diet but what I like about the Paleo box is that it excludes potatoes, which we rarely eat and don’t care to get in our box). So that was a good solution to one of our box complaints. And I also realized I could tweek my box however I wanted. If I want to add berries, I can pay a little more for that. If I’ve gotten one veggie too many weeks in a row, I can email them and ask them to substitute it with another item for the following week. There are options, I was just not exploring them. Of course I still have to go to the store and buy certain staples that didn’t come in my box. But I just simply love having my refrigerator stocked with veggies and fruits week after week and once I have them at the house, we eat them. Whereas for the last couple of months, I was buying fruits and vegetables of course because that is the main source of our diet, but I was actually being more repetitive when I was choosing them for myself, getting less variety (meaning less sources of nutrients) and always trying to remember what we would get in the first place. I feel like I have reconnected with my greens again and it feels wonderful!

But best of all… I discovered that I love having vegetables in my home that I did not choose at the store. WHY??? Because it forces us to use that vegetable before it spoils, and therefore look for recipes around that vegetable. That has proved easier for us than choosing a recipe and buying vegetables for that recipe. With 2 kids, 1 on the way, and work…we don’t have time to sit in front of a computer and browse through random recipes. But what is easier is googling – “eggplant recipes” and finding something that fits with our lifestyle.

And that is where our Ratatouille was born!! Ratatouille is basically a baked dish of layered vegetables. Yesterday we had an eggplant sitting in the fridge from our box last week (one of the only remaining vegetables in the fridge) and I told Orlando we had to use it. He browsed some recipes and decided to make the Ratatouille. Luckily we also had Shitake mushrooms from the last box and got heirloom tomatoes in the new box…ingredients that go into ratatouille. As usual, Orlando took what he liked from different recipes and came up with this…

Here is the recipe:

1 large Onion (sliced)
1 large eggplant (skin-on and in 1/2 inch cubes)
2 or 3 large tomatoes (thinly sliced)
2 cups mushrooms (sliced)
2 or 3 zuchinni (evenly sliced in rounds)
6 cloves of garlic (chopped)
olive oil
parmesan cheese
1/2 large red bell pepper (chopped)
1/2 large green bell pepper (chopped)

– Preheat the oven to 375
– Chop and slice the veggies
– Saute the onion, mushrooms, and bell peppers in little olive oil adding salt and pepper
Make sure to not saute for too long. We are just trying to cook them down a bit, we don’t want them caramelized. I’d say 5 min max. Then set aside in a bowl.
– Now saute the eggplant in olive oil for about 8 minutes. The eggplant tends to soak in the oil, but don’t go over-board with olive oil either. Then when the 8 minutes are up, add the fresh garlic and saute for another 2 minutes. Don’t forget to add salt and pepper while cooking!
-In a baking dish arrange just over half of the eggplant mixture
covering the bottom
-now layer the zuchinni slices on top like you are making a lasagna
-lightly oil and salt the zuchinni
-Now do the same with the tomato slices. Layer them on top of the zuchinni slices covering the top like you are making a lasagna. Add Salt and pepper to the tomatoes.
-Now layer the onion, mushroom, and pepper mixture on top of the tomatoes.
– Add a nice bit of parmesan atop the mixture
– layer remaining eggplant
– layer remaining zuchinni
– layer remaining tomatoes
– layer remaining onion mixture
– Add parmesan
– Place foil on top and bake for 45 minutes

We served this on whole wheat cous cous, but I think that quinoa or millet would be great too. The texture of the cous cous was awesome with the veggies.The cooking time on this dish is 45 minutes, which is a long time…but Orlando says that its not a labor intensive meal because there aren’t that many ingredients. I would suggest, if you are pressed for time, preparing it on a Sunday night so that you only have to put it in the oven the next day. I loved it so much I can’t wait to have it for lunch today and give it to the boys for dinner!

We hope you can enjoy it as much as we did!

Superfood Monday Smoothie

Happy Monday to all!!!!! So today is the day where the grand majority of us started our regular routines again. Kids are back in school, we are back to work and 2013 is in full effect. Orlando and I were committed to starting today with a bang. It is incredible how just a little organization and planning makes one feel so much better prepared for the day to come. For example, we made sure we went to bed early in order to get a good night’s rest, had the house clean, picked up the drycleaning, did the groceries…all those little details put us in a great mental state and that made all the difference.

As you know I’m in charge of breakfast and lunch so I wanted to power up Orlando, myself and the kids with a superfood smoothie.

We buy a superfood called PURE SYNERGY. What does it have…. almost anything healthy you can imagine from algae such as spirulina, chlorella, kelp to fruits, vegetables and herbs such as kale, collard, wheat grass, sage, rosemary… and the list goes on. It is exactly what it purports to be…SUPERFOOD! and it is a brand we trust.

So this morning I made the following recipe:

1/2 Quart almond milk
1 tbsp of PURE SYNERGY Superfood
1 tbsp of cocoa powder
1/2 avocado
1/2 banana
4 drops of stevia

I have bought a green superfood from Whole foods also called Green Vibrance that I think is great. I know the smoothie sounded to me a bit more adventurous than most people are comfortable with but I think its totally worth trying. So I urge you to try it if you dare!!!!! Your body will thank you for it!

New Beginnings

Happy New Year to all!!!!! The holidays are “officially” over and there will be a shift in the energy around you. All of a sudden you see the gyms and gym classes are packed with new faces, people seem more focused, and no one is bringing desserts to the office. Everyone means business! Some will make new year’s resolutions, others will make intentions, and others will simply avoid the process because of the reality that most new year’s resolutions are quickly forgotten and people sink back into old patterns rather quickly.

I do believe in resolutions/intentions. But not only on New Year’s. I’m a believer that you can make resolutions at the beginning of every day, week, month, or year. If we’ve had a particularly disorganized weekend with parties and events, I resolve to start Monday fresh and on a good routine. If I was impatient with my children today because I was preoccupied with other matters, I resolve to be a better parent tomorrow. I believe that as long as we are breathing we have the opportunity to start over again. Its never too late until we are no longer around.

And I saw a true New Year’s resolution happen last year. At this time last year Orlando decided to change the way he eats and he actually stuck to it. Naturally, he slipped into the Holiday spell just like I did the last couple of months but a lot of our eating habits are so ingrained in our lifestyle that despite all, we did manage to make a lot of good choices amidst the bad ones. And here we are again, on his 1 year anniversary of our journey and starting 2013 in a much better place than 2012. So I guess I am a true believer!!!!

Most resolutions are pretty generic: lose weight, make more money, exercise more…etc. and those seem to die down I think mainly because we don’t change our perspectives, we only voice our intentions. What worked in our family was changing our perspective from trying to lose weight, to trying to live healthier lives. So here are a couple of suggestions I think might help you change your perspective, if losing weight or being healthy fell into your new year’s list this year.

1. GO TO THE DOCTOR AND GET A BLOOD TEST. Check everything. Check your liver, your heart protein, your vitamin D levels, your glucose, your cholesterol, everything. I went to see a doctor that believes in nutrition as a primary source of medicine so when I did this he told me things like I needed more good fats in my diet and guided me and orlando as to which supplements were best for us. I now try to do a checkup for my husband and myself every 6 months to know how we’re doing not only on the outside…but on the inside!

2. GET A DNA TEST. okay I know this sounds whacky!!!!! But I did this and plan to dedicate an entire post to this in the near future. My dad bought me a DNA kit from 23andme. I put my saliva in a tube and sent it in for testing. I found out all sorts of things about myself…like that I’m most likely to be pre-disposed to blood clots. Well now I know that I will always have to exercise to keep my blood and circulation in good condition. NOTE: this information is still somewhat limited but at least it gives us a general idea of things we should watch out for to live as healthy as we can. Some people will argue…hey we all have to die of something, so why bother? I know I have to die but ideally, I’d like to live as long as I can with as much quality of life as I can.

3. FIND OUT YOUR BLOOD TYPE. I’ve been learning that your blood type has a lot to do with the way you digest food and process food. Its called Nutritional Typing. I’m still learning about this but I find it interesting because of this simple concept – 2 people can eat the same way and one loses weight and the other doesn’t. Once you learn about yourself, you will have a better idea of what eating patterns can work best for you so you can avoid making sacrifices that will end up frustrating you and not working anyway.

I guess my suggestion to you all for 2103 is take a little time to learn about yourself and your body. That will help you make changes to your lifestyle that will help YOU. Anyone can lose weight by cutting calories for a few weeks or drinking shakes as meal supplements…but quick fixes die hard. It is impossible to maintain.

LIFE IS TO ENJOY!!!!! You should not feel that you’re eating habits are a constant sacrifice. But when you find foods you enjoy and can digest properly and can incorporate meals you love or learn to love in your daily routine, it becomes a lifestyle instead of a diet and your results will be long term.

I’m grateful to have been given the gift of another year. Let’s embrace it, enjoy it, and make it count!