When discussing food, the general consensus is to look at the numbers.
How many calories does it have?
How many grams of fat, carbs, protein, fiber?
When the numbers are low, people feel comfortable eating or drinking that product. We do this because we have been taught to do this. If you have ever battled with weight and have joined programs such as weight watchers or jenny craig, you learn point systems, calorie counting and portion control.
While I recognize that these methods can be effective, especially at the beginning when you have the most weight to lose, I believe this mentality can do your health more damage than good.
My theory is this. Who cares if you are consuming 500 calories a day if those calories are coming from foods that are bad for you? A few months ago, my mother attempted the HCG diet. Its the new big thing and everyone is losing weight doing it. She went to a DOCTOR and along with the HCG, he gave her a diet plan that she needed to follow. I was appalled as I read through it. It stated obvious things such as you can have unlimited vegetables, etc. Then it stated certain fruits she wasn’t allowed to eat. I thought, well, fruits are whole foods but they do contain sugar even though its natural sugar so maybe limiting those foods would be wise during a period of weight loss, okay, so I kept reading
…and then I saw it.
She could have unlimited diet soda. She could drink diet soda until her heart was content. Along with that were other products such as margarine, sugar free yogurts, sugar free ice creams, etc.
Diet Sodas and all these other “sugar-free” products for the most part contain an ingredient called “Aspartame.”
Aspartame has been linked to the following diseases:
- Multiple sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Mental retardation
- Lymphoma
- Birth defects
- Fibromyalgia
- Diabetes
The research shows that consuming Aspartame is terrible for your health. Plus it has been proven to stimulate your appetite and actually cause weight-gain in the long term. Yet my mom can have those products in unlimited quantities but has to stay away from fruits?
I am insulted by that concept. Food is information for our brain. If we feed our brains good information, then we promote our metabolism, fat burning, and healing properties…our bodies are being told to function properly. Our livers, hearts, intestines, and kidneys need good information to work at maximum capacity. If we continue to feed our brains this garbage, our bodies respond accordingly. Isn’t it incredible that despite all the diets out there, the no sugar movement, and the low fat foods, obesity, heart disease, cancer and gastric illnesses are all on the rise? Is this just a coincidence?
I was at lunch the other day and our cousin was drinking PEPSI NEXT. It says proudly not the label – “60% less sugar!!!!” They are just screaming at you, Go ahead, Drink me, I”m a healthy alternative, I have less sugar than other sodas. Then you read the nutrition facts and LOOK!!!!! Only 60 calories in 1 whole can. NO FAT! 15g of Sugars…well thats not too good because diet pepsi is 0grams, BUT it tastes more like regular Pepsi and its a lot lower in sugar than the regular one. You know what, this is not a bad option.
Among all the other undetectable ingredients it has, there are 2 that you can easily recognize and pronounce… HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, and ASPARTAME. DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!! Two addictive ingredients that stimulate appetite, cause addiction, and are not metabolized in your body but instead go straight to your liver.
I urge you not to fall for this trap. This is NOT a healthy alternative. If you want to eat smaller portions fine. If you want to limit your caloric intake, fine. But put food in your body that helps you instead of hurts you.
Look for single ingredients; ingredients you can pronounce and understand. Learn about what you’re eating. Eliminate high fructose corn syrup and aspartame from your diet. Eat real food. Your health will thank you for it.