I give my kids a dessert every night after dinner. The dessert varies from a piece of dark chocolate, to a fruit of their choice, and sometimes ice cream. I usually buy these little sandwiches from So Delicious. I like them because they are made with coconut milk and do not contain high fructose corn syrup…but even so they have sugar and are definitely not the best. They love any of these options and it really does help them finish their dinner when they know they get a treat afterwards. The other day while I was making some baby food, I opened the drawer of containers and saw some popsicle things Orlando had bought. I had some yummy mango on hand and I thought, hmmmm I wonder if I should make the boys some healthy popsicles for after dinner dessert.
Here’s the recipe:
Mango/Pineapple/Banana Popsicles
- a cup of mango
- a cup of frozen pineapple
- 1/2 a banana
- about 1/4 cup of yogurt
- ice
I blended it all in my blendtec (pressed the ice cream button…love this thing!), poured it into the popsicle container, and popped them in the freezer. The next night I told my kids they could each have ice cream after dinner if they ate well. Of course its all in the pitch with these kids. I told them it was way cooler than the little sandwiches and I had made them just for them but they would need to be earned. They could not wait! Ok so its not actually ice cream. In spanish, its often called “duro frio.” But the point is its cold, its sweet, its fun for the kids…and calling it ice cream just makes it that much better for them.
Needless to say the popsicles were a hit. But here’s the coolest part…they loved it so much they asked me to make more. Now when given the option between the popsicle, a piece of dark chocolate or the so delicious ice cream sandwiches…they choose the popsicle! I’ve made strawberry/banana, mango/pineapple, mango/pineapple/banana. And just recently I made mango with chia seeds. The options are endless! The whole process takes about 5 minutes to make and then leave in the freezer overnight. It was fun to make them a homemade dessert that had no sugar, no mysterious ingredients, and tastes sweet! Its definitely worth the effort!!!